ENG 101 Assignment One
Evaluate the essays in your
peer review groups by responding thoughtfully to each of the following
criteria. Focus on the criteria you feel students should most address in
their drafts.
Responses must be specific in order to count.
Attach written suggestions from your peers to your final drafts for full peer review credit.
1. Thesis: Contains a central assertion that places a central idea
at the forefront of the essay that can tie together the ideas of black
power, civil rights, and violence/non-violence (20%)
2. Structure: Essay organized around topic sentences; each paragraph provides 'they say' context; essay explains direct quotations (20%)
3. Evidence: Essay
successfully places direct quotes into each body paragraph; essay cites
those quotes correctly according to MLA guidelines; essay contains a
bibliography; essay incorporates requirements for the research essay: framing in particular (30%)
4. Critical Thinking: Essay
interprets quotes in original ways that go beyond class discussion;
essay connects main ideas to other texts or moments in text; essay
utilizes keywords and defines them (20%)
5. Polish (10%): Essay integrates material well; essay shows signs of revision; essay demonstrates skillful writing voice; essay mixes professional and casual voice effectively; essay doesn't feel cut and pasted; grammatical errors don't detract from overall meaning
Well finalizing a tech research essay is a bit tough job. There are lots for data & lots points to consider & many.. many.. more….Your suggested points will be helpful to review a thesis paper.
research essay outline