Due Date: See Syllabus
Peer Review: See Syllabus
Length: five full pages, double-spaced
Assignment Goal: The argument should make a central assertion that places a central idea
at the forefront of the essay that can tie together the ideas of black
power, civil rights, and violence/non-violence. This argument students should create or relate two or three major concepts of Dr. King and Stokely Carmichael, such as black power, civil rights, and violence/non-violence, and explains their importance to American politics in the 1960s and 1970s.
Assignment Description
This essay will compare and contrast the perspectives from King and Carmichael. The argument should make a central assertion that places a central idea at the forefront of the essay that can tie together the ideas of black power, civil rights, and violence/non-violence. Students should then note the ways that Dr. King and Carmichael both approach those ideas. They will use examples from the course reading to support their arguments. Students should have an overall perspective, or an original lens, that allows them to compare and contrast Carmichael and King from a particular standpoint. This standpoint can agree with King, with Carmichael, with neither, or with a little bit of both. This standpoint should be clear in the thesis and should shape the essay.