Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blogging the Lab Exercise

Revised Blogs

From what I can see so far, the revisions of your blogs were a step in the right direction. Remember, you can hit the buttons "design" and "dashboard" to bring yourself to a screen that lists your posts. When you hit 'edit posts,' you can change your blog instead of copying and pasting your blogs into an entirely new post.

Lab Production and ENG 103 Grades

What you're able to accomplish in lab plays directly into your participation grade for ENG 103. It's very clear who is able to produce the assignments in the assigned time, and this is something I can check on at the end of the semester during grade tallies. Remember, ENG 103 only has two grades: the research paper and participation. I will be more lenient towards lab exercises that are almost done than exercises that only have one or two sentences. You should feel rewarded by the work you do in this time, and I plan to make those rewards evident through the participation grade. I will update everyone on their status at the midterm.


Please give your blogs titles that make sense with what you produce for the assignment.

Blog Comments

If you would specifically like your most recent blog to be read in a certain way by the LaGuardia Peer Tutors, please indicate that to me.

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