Monday, March 12, 2012


1.       NAME - Elvia
PARAPHRASE: In chapter two Mosley quotes the bible as saying, when you lay down your load, you'll have eternal peace. This quote illustrates religious domestication, or a way to train someone to believe in a so-called heaven.
2.       NAME - Elizabeth
PARAPHRASE: According to Mosley, we have grown to love our chains because we have let the chains define and become us as  a person.
3.       NAME- Daniel  
PAGE 23              
PARAPHRASE: In Mosley’s writing, we find democracy’s purpose has mutated from rights  to riches. Science is growing both helpful and fearful while the greater flaws grow bigger under the cover of censorship. This is the obstacle in the pursuit of happiness.
4.       NAME- Robbie
PAGE- 28
PARAPHRASE- We willingly accept man made nonsense because it can prove to be a pleasant distraction from our own observations and self-analysis. We subconsciously blind ourselves to reality.
5.       NAME- Adam C
PAGE- 28
PARAPHRASE- It is complicated when it comes to ignoring lies from the media because it is those same lies that everyone blindly follows.
6.       NAME
7.       NAME-carla
PARAPHRASE- In this piece Mosley describes how the economic system has enslaved people as currency instead of individuals with rights (6).
8.       NAME Mamadou
PAGE 21              
PARAPHRASE in this quote Mosley, was talking about the freedom that we think we have but it’s not are a real freedom it’s about the money or Economy
9.       Casey Duncan
Democracy is a good that is controlled by Democrats and Republicans
10.   NAME Emmanuel
PARAPHRASE If you present two-thirds of the truth to those in pursuit of it, while one-third of it is shrouded in fallacy, the people will accept this as a whole.
11.   NAME
12.   NAME

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